Saturday, 23 March 2013

New Generation PTZ Cameras

Hi All

Our company has been testing the latest range of PTZ Cameras as of late for what we can tell you is that this new range of PTZ cameras are long overdue as in previous times PTZ cameras would not see well at night and needed plenty of lighting.

The latest range of PTZ have now incorporated more advanced menu functions such as WDR and for those of you who don't know what WDR is it stands for Wide Dynamic Range. This function gives the camera the capability to stop sunlight glare and shadow darkness at doorways and other areas. Not all the current PTZ cameras have this function as this is mainly in the Megapixel range that we have seen. The latest PTZ cameras also have 360 Degree rotation and the Infra Red Night Vision using the latest IR technology to see depending which camera you get up to 150 Metres at night.

PTZ cameras have there positives and negatives as you can utilise them to see many areas at once the negative is that while it is seeing one area something can happen in another area so how do you solve this problem I hear you ask. The PTZ camera will have a Pre-Set Tour capability and when we set the tour we can speed up this tour to cover the areas intended more quickly but also it does not hurt to have static cameras in other locations where you feel they are needed most. The big positive of using the latest PTZ cameras are that the customer can control the PTZ zoom in and out not just during the day but also now at night and get facial recognition and the Night Vision will surprise you.

The classical use of these modern PTZ cameras are in open areas known for unwanted activity. Currently we offer in this technology 600TVL analogue and 1.3 & 2 Megapixel IP Digital. For more technical advice or you are thinking about covering certain large areas contact us on  08 7325 3100 and we will be happy to assist Our company will quote Australia Wide.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Installation Cabling

Hi to All CCTV enthusiast

Today I would like to discuss our companies philosophy in regards to how important cabling is to CCTV Installation. In recent times I have noticed poor cabling standards which can cause numerous problems with camera Transmission.

Problems that can arise are

1. Ghosting of images this is a hallow effect that double the image in the background
2. Rolling bars across the screen caused by not segregating your cable from electrical cabling.
3. Flickering on the screen is caused from poor termination connections
4. Cut and shut cables from camera to power supply causes a degradation of signal e.g lack of colour
5. Wrong cable being used can also reduce picture quality
6. Star wiring of power to CCTV cameras will cause many problems such as above
7. Cheap unregulated Power Supplies can cause interference and a rolling effect.
8. Unlicensed cablers well they are unlicensed so that explains it all.
Every now and then we are contacted to help a customer fix up there cabling woes and it is not always their fault. The reason I am writing this is to make the customer more aware that to take short cuts with unprofessional installers will bite you in the end so you really should invest wisely with a licensed cable installer. I want customers to be aware that I have come across many accounts of customers using unlicensed cablers making all the promises in the world but when nothing works they disappear.

In Australia a Security cabler has to have a Security Cabling License your local electrician is usually not licensed to be a Security Cabler even though many electricians claim they are. Security Cabling and electrical cabling are completely two different systems of cabling and need different methods to ensure proper picture quality of CCTV.

Well i hope this advice will help future clientelle make the appropriate decisions when considering a professional CCTV system I think this knowledge will help you understand the importance of proper cabling standards